вторник, 22 сентября 2020 г.

Nord Stream To Far

Last week, the EU Parliament passed a resolution to halt the final construction of Nord Stream 2 and called on EU member states to "continue to isolate Russia in international forums," encouraging the European Council "to prioritize the approval of the EU Magnitsky-style human rights sanctions against the Russian regime." This is something that outgoing Frau Merkel has sought, as a way to terminate her commitments.

Many may not appreciate what such a move means, a move that now allows the German government to annul, via the EU, its agreements with Russia and Austria and its own companies without paying out $20 billion in liabilities and penalties.

So for our readers we will go through the winners and losers of this fiasco swan song.

1. US gas companies
With Nord Stream 2 down, US LNG, at 2,5 times the cost, is the big winner. That is the obvious one. The US can not supply the EU totally for the simple fact that over 300 tankers are required and there are less than 200 in the world. Plus, during winter, prices of gas can easily be increased to 4-5 times the price of Russian gas.

2. US Government (Neocons and Neolibs)
The EU will now become even more a slave of Washington, who at a whim can and most certainly will delay its tankers or just turn them around. Additionally with tankers, the EU reserves will never be fully filled ahead of winter, so  US control over its European vassals will be ever greater.

3. Merkel and her Cabal
Merkel has done a lot for Germany: allowed its continued occupation by the US military for the past 16 years, fully subverted the German media and intelligence to the service of DC, flooded Germany with population replacements from the ME and north Africa, allowed mass rapes of German women to go unpunished, subverted Christianity in Germany, lowered Russian-German relations to just shy of Cold War era, destroyed millions of jobs with her anti Russian sanctions and so on. As a matter of fact, in post WW2 Germany, there has never been a bigger traitor of the German nation(s).

So after such an illustrious career, Mother Merkel wants more ... and who has the best cushioned jobs? Why the Altantist cabals and with this move she has secured their blessing.

4. Poland and Ukraine.
The EU's biggest leech, Poland, will now be able to ramp up transport charges on the gas heading West, safe in the knowledge its position is now secured. Same goes for the klepotcratic nazi colony of the US-EU known as Ukraine. So Germans and other peoples, be prepared to doll out more and more. This is of course a short term win, as the US strategy is to knock out all gas from the East to the EU, but beggars can not be picky.

5. China
The EU continues the work of its Neocon masters at home, attacking Russia in every possible way and making the already reality of Russian-Chinese alliance all the more firmly set.

6. Russian People
In the medium term the political pressure to find better uses for gas at home will only grow. This includes continued gassification of villages and suburban sprawl and public and private transportation.

1. German Citizens
Germans citizens, especially the pensioners are already stretched and now they will be hit even harder. Such is the consequences of stupid decisions during elections. With Covid Pandemic Weariness and mass demonstrations already hitting the German cities, a cold winter and its carry on massive spike in US gas or Polish/Ukrainian transit fees, may finally be enough to bring out the catatonic Germans in mass.

2. German Manufacturing
Already with one of the highest manufacturing costs in the world, German manufacturing can ill afford to get even more expensive. Many more factories will be forced to shutter or abandon the floundering German ship. This, of course, feeds right back into #1 above.

3. All EU Citizens
Gas price increases in Germany means gas price increases in all of the poverty-austerity stricken economies of the modern EUssr. Under EU laws, every member can buy up any other member's gas supplies, if they have the cash and the Germans have more cash then most of the others put together.

4. EU Business
This action is a shot across the bow of Chinese and every other non-EU company that is looking to sign business deals and investments. At any moment, a pseudo elected pseudo governmental body can annul these deals on a whim and there is no appeal or penalties that are applicable. This makes all EU statelets a whole new category of risk.

5. Neocons
Often to stupid to realize they are working against themselves, the Neocons have made sure that Russia has China's back, fully. Right when they are heating a financial, trade and possible hot war up with the number 3 military power, they have made sure the #2, who has plenty of systems that the #1 does not even come close to, is fully backing #3. And unlike America, Chinese and Russian forces are not scattered all over the world. They are kept close and locally out gun the US and NATO.

6. Russian Atlantists
The pro US, EU elements in the Russian elite have been having a very bad run of it lately. With Medvedev's removal, their best courtier is out. The elements who replaced them see things for what they are not for what they would like them to be: US and EU are not friends, not partners. At the very best, they are competitors.

7. Russian People
Gas prices will most likely rise,, as Miller, head of Gazprom will probably raise prices in the short term to make up for losses.

So, in the end, we will see what the long term effects will be, but for the people of the EU promise nothing good. If you have any suggestions for one's I have missed, please let me know.

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