понедельник, 20 июля 2020 г.

The COVID Vaccine You Never Heard Of

The Western press, as mouth pieces for the powers that be, fo everything to maintain a bubble of silence around most any topic that does not fit their owners' aims. This of course extends to COVID, one of the most politicized themes ever.

As such, it is no surprise that Russia, whose image the US maintains of a backwater poverty stricken black hole of evil, is never mentioned in the development of medical practices or for that matter COVID vaccines. One will of course hear all about US, UK French and German efforts and even occasionally about the efforts of the new black hole of evil, China, but never about Russia.

So a country that has one of the lowest death rates from COVID, it should be no surprise that Russia is the leader in COVID vaccine research and soon production. The low death rates are in part from treating patients with direct blood oxygenation and helium to breakup the clots, instead of just putting a patient on a ventilator till either his lungs blow out or secondary infection takes him. My own aunt who is 76 and was down to 30% lung capacity was put back on her feet in 2 weeks.

It will come as a shock to most people who exist in the Western information bubble that Russia has 17 different vaccines in research and that one of them is completing its final trials: second wave of human trials, with a 100% success rate of creating immunity in the volunteers. Worst case symptoms have been medium flu symptoms and low fevers.

Best of all, specifically anti COVID immune cells have been identified with full immunity developed in all patients.

The Sechenov University team has completed its work and are being fast tracked for mass production, with the aim of producing 30 million vaccines before the end of the year. Keep in mind that on average, studies are finding that over 20% of the population already has naturally established immunity, mostly from asymptomatic infections. The additional vaccines, representing another 25% of the population will bring the total to nearly 50%, even more so as more people will continue to gain immunity naturally. By year's end, Russia will have full herd immunity in the works. August will see the first mass production of a fully tested COVID specific vaccine from a country the US elites have called a gas station that produces nothing.

Is it any wander than that last week the US, UK and Canada simultaneously blamed mythical Russian hackers for sabotaging their vaccine programs. One has to save face some how. Sanctions to follow.

Vaccinations are totally voluntary, as forced vaccinations have been ruled unconstitutional, in Russia.

четверг, 9 июля 2020 г.

The Top 18 Other Constitutional Amendments to the Russian Constitution

The referendum is over and 78% of the Russian voters gave their support for the constitutional amendmentS. You may have noticed I capitalized the "S", which was for most of my western readers who from reading their national."journalism" may be found lacking in knowledge that there were other amendments but the "Putin is now King" amendment that the Western mouth pieces are all yelling about. As a matter of fact, even many opponents of President Putin staying on came and voted for the changes, all for one reason: to give Russia the tools it needs to break the last chains of Western post Soviet colonialism.

To that one point, what the mentioned amendment does is zero out the number of served terms previously for Putin, Medvedev and Yeltsin (ok, little chance he will run again) to run for 2 more consecutive terms. So this is no guarantee of being in office, but most western media seemed to miss that point.

What is more important, especially to "woke" western liberalism are the other changes.Russia is a conservative Christian nation state, more akin to what the West was in the 1950s and 1960s then to the woke, extreme liberal mayhem and politically correct oppression that it has become.

The amendments to the constitution were presented to voters as a major blow to the colonial constitution written by US State Department "advisors" aka handlers of Boris Yeltsin and given to him to pass right after he had 550 people killed in the Russian White House (parliament) revolt, in 1993.

What most westerners are not aware of is that Russia was always viewed as an enemy by the Western elite and they were quite vocal about pointing this fact out, even though at this point in the 90s Yeltsin had dismembered (with the help of Gorbachev) the Soviet State, murdered the Russian army, and gave and signed anything demanded from him by his Western handlers.

Just a few examples:

Russians have no one to blame but themselves for the brutal dictatorship they built in their own country and imposed on their neighbors. (Chrystia Freeland, Financial Times, 29 May 1996)
NATO has proved itself to be peaceful and the West's CFE commitments add to that assurance. But as Russia recovers and rearms, as history suggests it will, Moscow's imperialist urge might well rise again. Then it will be too late and 'provocative' to redraw the defense line. (William Safire, International Herald Tribune, 3 Oct 1995)
There is an expansionist mentality among Russia's ruling elite, deeply rooted in the country's past, which makes it difficult for them to consider forming a partnership with the West. This almost permanent urge for territorial expansion has at the same time become a scourge for the Russian people who continue to live in appalling poverty in a country rich in resources. (Jan Nowak "What NATO can do for Russia", Washington Times, 19 April 2000)
So what were the main other amendments?

1. Only the federal government can set up governmental structures in the territories of Russia.

2. The territory of the Russian Federation can not be divide, partitioned or annexed to or by anyone else and any actions committed in that vein will be considered treason.

Yes, under the colonial constitution RF had nothing in it about maintaining territorial integrity or about treason on these grounds being..welp treason.

3. RF is the lawful inheritor of the former Soviet Union. This includes all treaties and treaty organizations.

4. The RF has a unified 1000 year history. It has a culture and belief in God passed on to us from our ancestors as well as government traditions.

5. Civil servants and elected politicians are now officially banned from having bank accounts outside of Russia and from holding a second citizenship or permanent residency. As unbelievable as this may sound, some two dozen members of the Russian Duma (parliament) are also citizens of other nations, primarily US, UK and Israel. As a matter of fact, the leaders of various progressive bills to strip parental rights and pro LGBT groups are US citizens. Go figure.

6. The Constitution now enforces that the country's minimum wage can not be lower than the minimum cash required for life above the base poverty line.

7. The RF remembers those who defended the Motherland and will defend the historic teuth from changes.

8. The well being of children is top priority of the government, which will provide the optimal conditions for development of spiritual, just, emotional, physical and intellectual development. The development of patriotism, citizenship and respect for elders. The government prioritizes family based education but takes upon itself responsibility for orphaned children.

9. Government language is Russian. Russian is the main language among thr many equal nationalities of the RF.

10. Provinces have a right to set their own local language which will be used in parallel with Russian.

11. RF guarantees to all its nationalities the right to their own language, creating conditions for its study and conservation.

12. Culture in the RF is a unique blend of all its component nationalities and is upheld and defended by the government.

13. The government guarantees the defense of the rights of Russian ethnic minorities located outside of RF.

14. The only official currency of Russia is the ruble. The currency is controlled by the Central Bank.

15. Government guarantees its obligations to pay pensions and to index those pensions yearly.

16. No international laws or treaties can supersede Russian federal laws.

17. President is the guarantee of the Constitution and the freedom and rights of the citizens.

18. Candidates for presidency can not be younger than 35 and must have lived the past 25 years in RF. He can not have duel citizenship or residency or foreign accounts.

There are of course many more minor amendments that will be discussed later and there impacts.