среда, 27 мая 2020 г.

Post COVID 19, A World Only For The Rich

As most people with any lick of understanding of how the economic world works, at least in its present incarnation, understands that the rich, the really rich, are little affected by the downs of the economic cycles.

There are several reasons for this, one amongst which is mentality quite separate from the middle and lower classes. Many in the modern lower 95% of any modern society are dominated primarily by two strains of though: a duty to pay off any debts taken upon their shoulders and a live for today and face tomorrow when it comes mentality. Both of these are sure to always lead to disaster in a long enough time scale and even more so in the present post COVID economic collapse.

First, the mentality of the "duty to pay off debts". Believe me, the rich do not share your ignorant mental state, ignorant because it ignores the business construct of any such interest laden debt, that of mutual risk. Sure they foster that mental state on the lower 95% to make sure the poorer classes will spend their last penny in savings to pay off what will more than likely be confiscated anyways. They teach you that default and bankruptcy should be cringed at, as some how below real people of character. However, they themselves have no such qualms, never had and never will. Just look at how many times the president of the United States, Mr. Trump, has filed bankruptcy, as a millionaire and billionaire.

In truth, their approach is the correct one. When one takes out a loan, one is entering into a mutual risk agreement with the creditor.  The creditor knows there is a risk that the creditie will not pay off the loan and the creditor sets the loan rates accordingly. The creditie knows that there is a chance that he will not be able to pay off the credit and will loose the object of that credit and should, though most absolutely do not, set his priorities on payments (and thus the overall value of the credit) accordingly. At all times a cost vs benefit analysis should be done by the creditie, at all times during the credit pay off period. If it becomes a bad investment, and a house or car is just that, an investment, not your property or your "home" but a cold blooded investment up until the point it is 100% paid off, the creditie should be ready to cut his losses and return the keys to the creditor. This is especially true when the creditie looses their soul source of income.

Bankruptcy and default not a slur words and the rich have never had a second thought of utilizing the tools set before them to reinvent themselves and safe guard their wealth. 

Secondly, is the mentality of living for today. Most of the rich have plans and plans within plans. Those that work take on contracts with contingency plans, the golden parachutes of modern speak. They are always looking for better opportunities and will jump ship as needed. They do not hold loyalty to their companies as those companies do not hold loyalty back to them. This is especially true the lower one goes on the employee grade. Modern corporations will not think twice about down sizing or reducing paid staff as needed to dictated by economic prudence. The bigger the corporation the more this is the truth, with a few exceptions, primarily in smaller, talent dependent companies, such as consultancies, who are only as good as their talent and must be ready to plus up on a very short notice.

Of course, this was not always so. Under the more socialist models, it was disallowed and in some countries such as France, it is still very difficult, but in any Neo-liberal economic model, labour is a resource, as my MBA B-School professors taught us, a view I never agreed with, but that is irrelevant as 99% did.

The Rich are always on the look out, following trends, switching and reinventing themselves, their industries and their locations as need be.

However, as is the problem with all Neo-liberal economies, the super accumulation of wealth, whether its flaunted or kept behind tall walls, in the hands of a very small subset of society, has been on a relentless drive. In most Neo-liberal societies wealth and property ownership by the top 5% is often between 60-80% of that nation's total wealth. With that comes a power over politics unmatched in by any other segment and perpetuates the wealth accumulation.. As a matter of fact, if one takes away the description of the supposed form of government and compares wealth distribution in the Neo-liberal "democracies" with that of most Middle Eastern dictatorships, such as the Saudis or Kuwaitis, one will find more commonalities then discrepancies. With wealth comes real power.

Now we reach the post Covid reality, which is very quickly coming upon the majority of the world. Prior to now, in the global lock down, much was written about this and even more ignored. The majority of the lower 95% preferred to believe in the myths of the V shaped rebound: "just you wait, as soon as the doors open, it will be back to work and just like before". Like before was already broken and slowly sinking, now the corks are out of the barrels and water has poured in.

The reality is that many businesses aimed at the middle class and poor are gone. The cost of credit to open new ones and for the lower 95's purchasing are skyrocketing.  Social distancing laws are a force multiplier on price. Additionally, with mass unemployment will come a massive downward push on most salaries, even as meager savings are destroyed on survival.

Lets take commercial flying for example. With airliners required to seat passengers in every other seat, this will lower occupancy in large planes by 30% and in small commuter planes by up to 60%. Associations of commercial airliners and experts have already predicted an average cost of increase in tickets of 40%. This will put commercial flying out of the reach of the majority of Neo-liberal societies suffering from downward pressures on wages and lack of credit to fuel spending. Equally so for small and many medium sized businesses.

The average office manager will think twice before sending an employee to a conference or training. Sure, online trainings will take up some of the slack, but they are rarely of the same caliber or bring in the same revenue for the hosting company. Again, downward spiral of a negative feed back loop.

As fewer and fewer economy classes passengers will be available, ticket prices will inadvertently rise, making them yet more inaccessible, until the primary target will be the cost immune rich. I have flown on business class only flights, those do exist and they will start to expand, pushing out the unaffordable economy class flights. More and more, we will return to an era where only the rich flew and had that mobility.

A similar process will start to take place in many other industries: restaurants, live entertainment, vacationing, housing, upper education, insurance and medicine and so forth.

Additionally, as all of this is happening, already often bankrupt local governments are finding tax income streams collapsing while outlays are exploding. Like it or not, they will have to raise taxes, further destroying their economies, or force austerity, further destroying their economies or like several American cities have already done: file bankruptcy and quit the game.

The present landscape and its socioeconomic trends are moving much of the Neo-liberal world into a full tilt dystopia, something more akin to Latin American realities: a tiny upper crust that owns 80% of everything, a service/managerial educated 20% who owns the remaining 20% and 79% in total grinding poverty, debt slaved to the top 1%. A bright happy future this is not.

воскресенье, 17 мая 2020 г.

COVID-19 A Visual Model

So these guys at Visual Science a Russian start up have created this create and super detailed COVID-19 model, for all of you science geeks looking to figure out how the dread of humanity actually looks.


вторник, 12 мая 2020 г.

Another Blow to US Business Prospects in Russia

Today the news hit the papers that a group of US Congressmen, led by Eliot L. Engel, have put together a new bill of sanctions upon Russia for the alleged violations of human rights.

“Vladimir Putin is a cruel authoritarian with a long track record of silencing civil liberties, including freedom of the press, freedom of speech, political opposition, and democracy. We need only to look at the violent killing of Putin-critic Boris Nemtsov to see how Putin brutally suppresses those who speak out against him,” Engel said.

As I have written in the past, Russian freedom of the press is in quite good health, better health, one might say then the US corporate clone media. As for political freedom, Russia has 5 parties in parliament and over 700 registered parties in the country, many times more than the US or any of the other Western countries who have declared themselves the arbiters of democracy. Additionally, as to Boris Nemtsov, a man who by the time of his death, was a long gone political has been and could not have garnered 3% of the vote in the previous elections, having him gunned down across from the Kremlin, in broad day light only made sense in an Austin Powers movie or for a foreign power in need of a new martyr for a fake narrative.

So let us take stock of this situation. In the middle of a COVID exasperated but long foretold economic collapse, with spiraling systematic mass unemployment and mass bankruptcies of major retail corporations, meat rationing due to the closure of meat plants and the destruction of herds by bankrupt farmers, and a run away Fed that has now decided to print without end, the US has decided to up the anti.

Not satisfied with its endless wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and illegal intervention in Syria replete with the mass theft of Syrian oil, it finds itself on the brink of war with Iran and Venezuela, with new tensions with Cuba, with bad blood with its European vassals after out and out piracy of German, French, Italian and Canadian (ok they are not European) medical supplies. The US has launched in effect a war of words, accusations and again trade with China, a war threatening to turn hot. It has extremely tense relations with Turkey, has attempted to strong arm Saudi Arabia, the very nation because of whom the US dollar is the world's reserve currency. Even India has started to again distance itself after America's ham fisted attempts at putting pressure on that nation.

So in the midst of a total collapse in world credibility and partnership, the insanity that is the modern US government, to include both parties of the Congress, has decided to reignite the pressure and standoff with Russia, by creating yet more sanctions.

Russia has had waves of sanctions launched against it in the past 7 years. First for the democratic choice of Crimeans to leave the Ukraine after a western sponsored nazi coup, then for Ukraine's genocidal war against the Donbass that has thankfully failed, followed by the fictitious 2016 Russian election tampering, the comedy show of the supposed Skripel poisonings and for Rosneft continuing business dealings with the legitimate Venezuelan government, instead of confiscating and pocketing billions of Venezuela's oil revenues, like some others. I am sure I have missed a few more.

To this end, President Putin will now face ever stronger domestic pressure to respond in kind and further more so since Russia sent a plane of medical aid to the US and was already rewarded by howlers of Russophobia in the US media. Russian public opinion was very angry about any Russian sent help to the US which is seen by many as an aggressor. To that end, to put his hand out, President Putin took a hit to his own popularity. That this has now been repaid first by the western MSM screaming about cynical political ploys and now with additional sanctions, President Putin's position can not help but harden. Additionally the Medvedev Atlantist neo-liberal block has effectively been removed from power and those still remaining in positions, neutered.

So what does this mean for US business: more of the same as it has for the past 7 years. US business has lost market space, has lost revenue and opportunities. Not only has US business lost large chunks to European and Asian competitors, Russia through aggressive import substitution has created manufacturers who first filled Russia's own needs and are now starting to come onto the world market as competitors to those same American corporations.

Just a few examples: Exxon was forced out by Obama from the northern Russian marine oil fields. Rosneft brought Exxon in because Exxon already had the technology it needed. With Exxon gone, Rosneft was forced to invest its own funds into developing those same technologies and once developed, it is now free with its own patents to compete and to compete at a lower production margin. Exxon itself, in just one trillion dollar light sweet crude field, a field in a sea of many such fields, lost $100 billion over a 10 year period and the US taxpayers equally lost $10 billion in taxes.

The various large scale Russian infrastructure projects, such as the Amyrsk LNG plant, the World Cup football stadiums, the expansion of various Russian oil refineries over the past 5 years and so on have also seen strict banning of any US based vendors. When asked America's political instability towards Russia is the given reason.

Even world credit card markets now have the Mir card as a new competitor. True, still in the early stages on the world stage, it has taken over a large chun

In a post Corona and more precisely mid Greater Depression era, these major projects will be some of the few still left ongoing. The pressure on US business, with such huge closed markets, along with a loss of markets in China and a broken EU, will be enormous. What can readily be the very lifeline for millions of jobs is no more and can be no more in the face of the cowardliness of American business leaders to call out the insanity of Washington.

Such is the price of silence.