With the big 4 Silicon Valley monopolies showing their true colours in first purging minor conservative groups over the past year, banning the still active president of the United States, Donald Trump, in January and going on an all out purge of what they consider decenting voices and views, while using monopoly powers to destroy smaller competitors, such as Parler, Americans are in desperate need of platforms from which to communicate.
The ultra predatory moves of these mega corps come from the fact that they are major sponsors of the incoming president Joe Biden, a man known to be neck deep in big corporate monies for the past 52 years. They equally, at least for now, enjoy the blind and one can say ignorant support of the Democratic base, especially the Left, who with glee laugh at what is happening. What these people fail to realize is that their Leftist views are just as anathema to the big corporate monopolists and their bought and paid for DC power structure, as are the conservative voices. Once the glee is over and this precedent set with no punishment from the DC bought servants, they too will be quickly silenced.
This of course has lots of blow back. While the American Four are able to silence all decent in the US that they have bought and paid for, they are not able to actively do so in other countries. Even America's true vassals in Europe: Germany and France, no friends of Trump, have stated that they 1. do not agree with what was done to the freedom of speech and 2. that they will now open anti-monopoly cases that will break up the hold the American Four have in the EU and thus allow local competitors prime access.
Additionally, platforms such as Telegram have recorded record downloads and new membership. Telegram alone recorded 500,000 downloads and installations in the US over the past week. This writer is proud to say that I played no small part in spreading the word about Telegram and other Russian apps that promote and allow free uncensored speech for digitally oppressed Americans. I did that in this article which was read by thousands and helped spread the word in a crucial time as services such as Parlor were being destroyed by the American Four. Russian Apps Fill The Void for America's Oppressed Conservatives Over all, for the past week, Telegram recorded 28 million new clients, bringing them to around 500 million subscribers and quickly growing. Many of this writer's American friends and acquaintances have also relocated digitally to Telegram, which features best in class encryption and privacy with all the functionality of Whatsap and none of FaceBooks new unprivacy standards, where all your business is now their business, including any business addresses, account numbers, volumes and or payment sums.
Again, such bold and reckless moves show that the American Four feel total immunity within the US. Wall Street, however, sees things a bit differently. While Silicon Valley tycoons ride high on their own power, investors have noted such moves to Russian platforms and massive anti-monopoly legislature in the EU, Russia and other correctly worried nations. They have rewarded the American Four with a pummeling of their stocks. Twitter alone took a 16% hit, to the tune of about $5 billion. Luckily for them and the others, the new US Covid Stimulus bill will reward them with tens of billions in free money. Buying up politicians has its advantages.
As a side note, both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have Telegram accounts and pages. Please note the slight discrepancy in subscribers. Trump now stands at 538,800+ subscribers, up 16,000 just since yesterday. Biden is a bit less, at 176, up 4 since yesterday. Judge for yourself.