среда, 26 августа 2020 г.

The Slavery No One Talks About

 For all those ready to fight for historic truth and wokefulness, why are you so racist on slavery?

No, this is not a story about America, does everything have to be? But this is a story about a state America arms and supports and keeps a base in: Turkey, the sole inheritors of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans conquered and ruled one of the biggest empires in world history and for 500 years they were the biggest procurers of African and Slavic slaves in history.

As a matter of fact, it was the Turks who started the European slave trade. Yes, those nice guys with their kabab stands were the ones who commissioned slavers to capture hundreds of thousands of Africans and bring them back to their borders. Almost two thirds died on those desert convoys walking for weeks back. Women were what the Turks preferred most. Men were worked to death or, starting in the 16th century sold to the Portuguese and Spanish.

Slavic and Greek peoples had it even worse. Today's Greece, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and parts of southern Russia were conquered by them and suffered 400 years of enslaved tyranny.

Every generation, the Turks would take the first born son from every family, in these lands. The boys would be brainwashed and turned into slave soldiers, janissaries, to be thrown into one meat grinder or another. Women, that is, small girls and maidens were also taken.

In northern Russian lands, the Turks regularly sent slave raids. This in turn led to most of the 13 Russian-Turkish wars. Russian cossacks on flat boats names chaikas would raid Turkish ports on the Black Sea to free these slaves.
Things got so radical that English privateers would raid Iceland and Norway to supply blond blue eyed slaves to Turkish elites.

Not only is Turkey guilty of genocide against Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks and Kurds, it is also a state built on the blood of slaves. Slavery ended only a hundred years ago, though the spoils of their blood and toil are still enjoyed by the Turks to this day.

So to all you woke warriors, slavery is not just a white thing, those brown folks in Turkey built their nation on millions of black and white slaves. Where is your outrage now?

вторник, 18 августа 2020 г.

American Tech Giants Extensions of the Neocon Agenda

Over the past 60 years, there is no facet of the US government or society that the Neocon-Neolib machine has not penetrated and that of course includes the biggest agents of technology, the IT giants. Their massive potential for influence have been put to work in the failed dream of  "controlled" chaos.
One must be overseas, in a target nation for this "controlled" chaos to truly appreciate how pervasive these extensions of the State Department are.

Several examples: the Ukrainian nazi pusche of 2013 sponsored by America and the EU that resulted in an attempted genocide of the Russian 45% of the population, a genocide that continues with full American and EU sponsorship to this day. Where the nazis lost on the battlefield, though they continue shelling civilians on a daily basis, they have made up by Hitlerite tactics of forced religious and linguistical conversions and police state terror tactics.

Of course one would never know this, as the Western media only praises its this brown plague and quiets over those uncomfortable issues such as mass arrests by the SBU of bloggers or just average citizens voicing critiques of the government. And since its Russians being murdered the West could not care less.

Those who try to push the truth through on Western platforms are banned or blocked by the army of Ukrainian moderators FaceBook has hired.

Now its Belarus, with the hypocritical West savagely suppressing its own protesting population and waxing in grief about the very light police tactics of Lukashenko. Their latest martyr hero who died in the protests, died when his own bomb blew up prematurely. This dead terrorist brought out no less then every EU ambassador, paying him tribute. This insanity has gone so far that even  Gas Gas Gas Them Macron, who for 2 years has set records in the use of CS gas on one's own populace, utilizing absolute third world tyranny against his own French population (not the illegal immigrant arabs or africans he uses to replace his French population) talks about the people's right to demonstrate in Belarus, you know the bottom of morality pit has been reached.

Youtube, one of those platforms that has decided to become an insidious organ of planned chaos, constantly places videos in support of the demonstrations on every Russian's and Belarus' suggestions list. You can not block them. Many are out and out falsehoods, but that does not bother Youtube that instantly blocks conservative sites and channels.

When demonstrations started in Russia in 2014, Facebook for its part tried to mobilize the public using any pretext to get people into the streets: fight for abortions, fight against abortion, against Putin, for the Church and so on. These commercials were placed in most Russians' news streams. All adverted the same date, time and location in hopes of getting as many people out and creating as much havoc. 

During the last parliamentary Russian elections, in the 24 hours of silence before the elections, when all political ads are banned, Facebook continued to flood the timelines with ads for the most radical members of the opposition.

Facebook, agent provocateur.

The Russian government, along with any other government so affected must fight this direct and illegal threat to their sovereignty by a set of elites unanswerable to anyone, to include the laws of their home country of America.

The way to fight these American neocon-neolib hegemons, of course is not banning them. This, firstly, turns them into victims and  hands them the moral high ground, secondly that approach with today's technology is pointless. They must be fought on their home turfs in the best of American traditions^ sued by the victims of their propaganda in single and class action lawsuits. The affected governments, with their deep pockets can easily hire legions of American lawyers to take these tech giants to court, endless court with the aim not necessarily to win but to punish with loss of capital and stock price until the illegal behaviors become to expensive to continue. There are millions of victims of the extremists that these tech giants support directly. In Ukraine, over 8 million people have suffered alone and throughout the world, those numbers are many times larger. No matter the size of the pockets of any one tech giant, they are no contest for the pockets of any medium sized state.

 The same strategy should be utilized by the various conservative groups in America, who have been harmed greatly by the immoral actions of these elitist organizations.

суббота, 8 августа 2020 г.

A Wind of Change

 Much can depend in a nation's life on the personality and beliefs of its leader. Even more, often enough, on those of the men surrounding him. To this, Russia is no exception.

President Putin has always stood by the re-industrialization of the economy and the advancement of the real economy vs the financial economy. However, this always met with limited success and seemed to only make advancements more in a reactionary manner to key anti-Russian world events. Import substitution, raised due to western economic war on Russia, is a prime example of this. While successful, its success has been much more limited then by any account it should have been. It is as if the ship of state was constantly being met with a ponderous head wind, breaking its progress. Agriculture and military have been the exceptions.

Indeed, that head wind was the number two man in Russia. An avowed Atlantist and part of the globalist financial elite, Dmitry Medvedev, as prime minister, was never exactly pro Russian development or mercantilism (there it is that evil word Mercantilism, so hated by the neoliberal free trade crowd). It can be understood of course as 1. Financial economics by its nature is an extraction economy, its quick cash through liquidation of industry and sell off of resources. When backed up by people who see themselves as citizens of the globe or global elites and hold no particular driving and all consuming love for their homeland, their Rodina, this is a formula for disaster.

Since the removal of Medvedev from power and with him the Atlantist neoliberal block and their replacement with Prime Minister Mishustin, the winds of change have arrived.

This was first seen by the Russian advantageous positioning to support the economy during and after the Covid19 lock-downs. I detail these HERE. In tendum, the Russian government gave assistance to the Russian medical supply and biotechnology industry to allow Russia to become an over night medical equipment heavy weight, bringing forth top of the line technologies (detailed HERE) and to be the first to start mass production of the first registered Covid19 vaccine (detailed HERE). Already nations have lined up to purchase and franchise the production of equipment and vaccine. Russia has also shown an ability all over her vast distances to greenfield to completion almost two dozen hi-tech medical hospitals, projects completed in under 100 days each and not temporary trailers like the Chinese "wanders" but permanent building with all the hi-tech equipment (also Russian made) that would be expected from world class facilities.

"The president gave marching orders for the government to work out a package of programs for the growth of the Russian IT industry, to create maximum comfortable conditions for specialists of this industry. Now we are reviewing the changes that will be required in the legal codes to create tax havens for the IT sphere."

Prime Minister Michael Mishustin

One such maneuver is the lowering of pension taxes required from the IT industry from 15% down to 7.6%, almost a 50% cut. Taxes on profits will drop from Russia's already low 20% to 3% for companies who earn 90% of their profits from production and sale of software solutions.

Additionally, manufacturers of electronic equipment and AI systems will also be covered under these new taxes.

No major economy in the world has such beneficial tax codes for the IT industry. Coupled with the fact that Russia produces more engineers than any other nation, an excellent communications infrastructure that is now being upgraded to 5G, its comparatively lower salaries compared to other nations and very cheap utilities and land costs and there is no logical reason not to invest, except for fear bred by ignorance and foreign propaganda. Taking into account the weak position of the ruble vs foreign major currencies, for those selling abroad and ignoring this , it is just down criminal incompetence.

The Russian government has also undertaken a gigantic effort in reviewing, updating and deleting antiquated government standards throughout all industries. This has helped catapult Russia into one of the world leaders of the Ease of Doing Business index in 6 short years. What, the Western MSM forgot to mention that?