This is (mostly) a non-political blog. It covers real life in Russia, in an effort to dismiss and disprove the copious lies from the Western MSM. It also covers economics, culture and immigration to Russia. As a warning, this blog has an active conservative, Eastern Orthodox slant, reader beware.
четверг, 26 ноября 2020 г.
вторник, 24 ноября 2020 г.
воскресенье, 15 ноября 2020 г.
An Open Letter to Americans
Dear Americans,
As a Russian with some understanding of historical cyclical processes and one whose own people have suffered through 70 years of enlightened militant atheism and utopia building, allow me to give you a little context of what you are going to be going through, unless you put your own house in order quickly.
It is said that history repeats itself the first time as a tragedy and after as a farce. We are now at that first repeat, a great tragedy. In this case, it is the Russian Revolution that is about to repeat itself, or rather the Russian RevolutionS. No, that was not a typo.
Many Americans have heard of the Russian Revolution where the Communists overthrew the Tsar and setup the Soviet Union. Some may have even heard of the Russian Civil War. But few know the full details of these events or how they actually parallel the present state of the United States, who had its part to play, or to be more specific, whose Wall Street had their part to play in all this.
Right now, many of you, without understanding the whys and whats are sitting in the February 1917 moment. What is important about this? This was the first Russian revolution, though it was more of a coup, led by liberal politicians, generals and their far off Wall Street partners to remove the conservative, Christian Tsarist government.
A few myths about the Tsar's government. It was not ruling over a mass of illiterate peasants. By 1917 there were 120.000 schools operating throughout the Russian empire.Vast sums were being spent on education. It was not agrarian. Though the agrarian sector was very large, just like it is now in modern Russia and in the US, it was industrialized and industrializing quickly. Russia was the 5th largest world economy, at a time when the US was 4th, and while both were growing in leaps to surpass the English, Germans and French in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, Russia was growing faster than the rest.
Russia was an exporter of food, materials and finished products. Though of course it imported a lot too, it was on a road of mercantilism, aiming to manufacture most things at home. A Make Russian Empire Great type of slogan. The government was Christian, keeping to a majority Christian ethos. All these things the liberals hated. Does any of this sound familiar yet? Keep reading.
So the liberals decided to undermine the government and make themselves kings...kings of a progressive new utopian state, a Liberal Dictatorship. Of course, it was never sold as much and was never accomplished in the end.
So, before and especially during WW1, when the Socialist Revolutionaries would commit various acts of terror or assassination, it was the Liberals and Liberal media that was giving them moral cover, explaining away these criminal acts as righteous grievances. When officers at the front were murdered by their men or more specifically, by socialist agitators in the ranks of their men, it was the Liberals who cheered them on as righteous actions. In today's language this is called "fragged". Do you feel those goose bumps on your spine yet?
In short, the Liberals used the Socialist Revolutionaries, the Marxists, to destabilized the Tsar's government, to rock the boat, as they say. To further agitate things, the Liberals moved to destabilize the government completely, in late 1916. At that point, the Brusilov Offensive had driven the Germans back in the north and destroyed the Austro-Hungarian army so completely, that along with the Allied offensives in the west and south, victory looked assured. The country was on a high, a prime time to strike.
Several generals used the threat of German spies and saboteurs to take control of the main bread factories outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Once these private enterprises were under their control, they stopped making bread. Instantly bread shortages appeared in the two main cities. Liberals and their mouth pieces blamed this on the Tsar and his incompetence. They screamed that the government had to go. Socialist Revolutionaries started riots, pushing people into the streets. Sympathetic local governments refused to contain, control or crush these rebellions or to open up the bread plants. The cities burned, chaos spread, unrest occurred in more and more cities. When and where police tried to maintain order, they were vilified by the Liberal media. Called murderers, oppressors and made targets, along with their families, for murder by the Socialist Revolutionaries, of which the Bolsheviks were but one group of many. Most of those taking to the streets were of course, clueless, cannon fodder for the Liberal Coup. Sound familiar? Portland? NYC? Pittsburgh? Getting the point yet?
And so, it came down to either the Tsar abdicating power and folding up his government or unleashing a civil war. Being a Christian man, he abdicated to save Russia a sea of blood, and all this in the middle of a war. The Army mostly stood by, believing in the fabulous tales of wealth and power the Liberals were filling the heads of generals and colonels with. All milk, all honey all theirs. Many of those same generals would be fighting and dying to reinstate the monarchy, less than a year later, those who were still alive, that is.
The Liberals moved in, in February of 1917. That is the point where you, America, are now at or soon to be. The Liberals not only made a full muck up of things from February to October, they set the stage for when the Bolshevik's grabbed power, really, just waltzed in and then unleashed a 4 year blood drenched civil war.
You see, it was not only that the utopian, anti-Christian policies that the Provisional Government created, or the attempts at semi-control of the economy, or the free for all of most invested parties to grab and steal, that so destroyed everything, it was also the Marxist beast.
What beast, you ask....well, those Socialist Revolutionaries that the Liberals thought they were using as helpful idiots, so that they could grab power, were anything but idiots. Sure, they co-travelled with the Liberals for a while, to get rid of the much stronger Tsarist government. They acted as the muscle for the Liberals, but all that time they were gathering experience, arms, fighters and preparing, preparing for when their erstwhile masters would take power, flounder and they themselves would rip their throats out.
The Liberals honestly thought that they could force Antifa and BLM...oh, sorry, the various Socialist Revolutionary beasts back into their cages. They were, of course, very very mistaken. The cannon fodder had already grabbed the cannons and were busily setting them on their former masters. The Liberals at this point had nothing and fled and by November 1917, it was up to the various patriots and surviving generals, who had come to their senses and not joined the Marxist beast, to try and save the nation. Four years and 5 million casualties, the Red Terror and mass murder of and crushing of all opposition parties and movements established the Soviet Union, until its demise in 1991.
This was the bloody history that is now repeating on the world stage, on the others ide of the world. Your side.
And what was Wall Street's part in all this? Why not just support the Liberals, they were very quick to support Bolsheviks as well, as is exquisitely detailed in the late Antony Sutton's first book "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution". Wall Street made a killing, a killing that unleashed terror, war, and a Cold War that sucked both the USSR and the US dry for nothing.
So, Americans, at least those Americans with sense still in their heads, you are now at the pivotal moment. Do you now comprehend what is ahead? Do not repeat our mistakes, remember what your founding fathers wrote and why they did so. Wake up while you still have that last chance.
суббота, 7 ноября 2020 г.
Quick Guide to Immigrating to Russia (update 1)
среда, 4 ноября 2020 г.
Россия Должна Пересмотреть Свою Позицию на Кавказе
За последние двадцать лет, Москва держала довольно сильную позицию на Кавказе. При завершении второй Чеченской войны, Москва смогла реорганизоваться и вернуться на Кавказ, в роли главного гаранта мира. В 2008ом, Грузия, доверяя своим Западным союзникам, решила изменить эту формулу. Война, которая сожгла Грузинскую армию и раскачала власть Саакашвили, только подтвердила миру Московскую позицию в этом краю и доказала, что в то время никто не был готов проливать свою кровь против Русской армии, за одного или другого кавказского вассала.
При такой расстановке, Россия могла бы сдержать Азербайджан и Армению и держать условный мир в Карабахе. В итоге, потери во всех мелких вспышках последних 25 лет, не доходили к уровню потерь последнего месяца. Россия всегда могла достаточно быстро всех успокоить и вернуть мирный процесс. Дополнительно, Россия не проявляла желания на захват территорий. Также, Россия держала хорошие экономические отношения с обеими партиями.
Что произошло?
Начнём с Армении. Россия, за последние 25 лет отпустила многие свои самые сильные рычаги на Кавказе и по всему миру, так же как и на Украине. Часть этого из-за чувства самоуверенности, а отчасти из-за недопонимания, с кем имела дело и кто или что из себя представляют Западные «партнёры». Задача Запада, той коллективной глобалистической элиты, никак не меньше, чем истребление навсегда, такого понятия, как Русская государственность.
Для исполнения этой задачи, Америка построила своё второе, самое большое посольство в мире, в Армении. Больше двух тысяч сотрудников работают на благо той элиты. Задача тут может быть только одна, контроль над территорией для удара в РФ под дых.
В США, такое понятие, как Советское и теперь Российское уязвимое место (soft underbelly) (юг) это не просто мантра, а признанная главная смертельная точка, для удара. Американцы приняли эту теорию ещё от англичан. Развал Советского Союза, вскоре после завершения Афганской войны, для них только подтвердил эту теорию и укрепил задачу об уничтожении России, через удары в брюхо. То, что многие в государстве до сих пор этого не понимают, указывает на размер провала в отношении органов разведки.
Россия, конечно, должна была надавить на Армению, для сокращения этого посольства и ограничения деятельности американцев. К сожалению, также как на Украине, тут ничего не было сделано и нам осталось пожинать горькие плоды, в виде прихода г-на Пушиняна к власти. Все знают, что Пушинянская политика и власть русофобская и только текущее положение принудило его искать помощь у России. Также понятно, что этот человек не владеет никакими понятиями международной политики. Сам факт, что он поехал в штаб НАТО просить их отстранить Турцию из-за их роли в текущей войне, доказывает это. Шефы НАТО, конечно, ему объяснили, что Турция важна для НАТО, а армяне мясо. Пушинянское новое про-российское положение, конечно, временное. Не важно, прольётся русская кровь за Армению или нет, как только кризис закончится, этот деятель полезет обратно к своим истинным хозяевам.
Кроме Армении, конечно, еще есть тема Азербайджана. Нравится нам это или нет , но эта страна ушла с нашей орбиты и независимо от исхода войны, Азербайджан станет турецким вассалом и врагом для России.
Эрдоган не прятал и не прячет своих амбиций стать первым султаном новой Османской империи. Он часто говорит о том, что они вернут владение Турции над всей ее бывшей территорией. Турция работала медленно но намерено. Они инфильтрировали все края Азербайджанского государства и вооружённых сил.
Вряд ли Алиев желал полную войну. Конечно, он хотел вернуть Карабах, но эта война очень большой риск, лично для него. Не важно, кто выиграет текущую войну в Карабахе. Эрдоган, его нео-Османство и его СС: Братство Мусульман (организация, запрещённая в РФ) выиграет.
Если Азербайджан выиграет войну в Карабахе, тогда Алиев будет по сути в долгах Эрдогану. Можно рассчитывать, что появятся Турецкие военные базы, русский бизнес и язык будут вытеснять. При таких условиях, есть еще какой-то шанс, что Алиеву Эрдоган надоест и Азербайджан начнёт отступать от "один народ-два государства", до тех пор пока это станет "один народ, одно государство".
Поэтому, Эрдоган и его люди: радикальные боевики и элементы внутри ВС Азербайджана, нарушают все перемирия, как только они наступают. Последнее, в чем нуждается султан, это мир и еще более, мир, в пользу Азербайджана. Лучшее для него это проигрыш Азербайджана. В такой ситуации, Эрдоган сможет убрать Алиева руками своих элементов и продвинуть интеграцию Азербайджана в Турцию.
Дополнительно, Россия себя покажет слабой, а Турция станет новым хозяином на юге Кавказа и дальше. А также, ворота на центральную азию и русский юг, Сибирь и Алтай, будут полностью открыты, для пан-туркизма и Братьев Мусульман (организация, запрещённая в РФ) .
Что делать России?
Во-первых, принять понятие, что мы должны играть в ту же самую жестокую игру "реалполитик", как наши враги и соперники. Партнёров на Западе нет!
Сколько бы американцы или их европейские вассалы не ныли или лаяли в сторону Турции, они абсолютно ничего не сделают. В НАТО Турция вторая главная сила, а по всей Европе миллионы турков и исламистов, которых Эрдоган больше чем готов поднять на ноги, рвать горло старой бездетной Европе.
Во-вторых, признать Азербайджан, хотя бы временно потерянным. При этом, нужно ввести строгий контроль над въездом в РФ с азербайджанскими паспортами. Сейчас, те тысячи исламистов, которых Эрдоган послал туда воевать, получают местные документы, с которыми они будут потом вливаться на наш северный Кавказ. Это и был оригинальный план, через Сирию.
В третьих, мы должны признать, что Армения и весь Южный Кавказ для нас стратегически сверхважный объект. Ни при каких условиях, вплоть до мировой войны, мы не можем позволить себе потерю этой территории в чужие руки.
поэтому мы:
А. ни при каких условиях не можем дать Армении проиграть.
Б. не можем позволить принять даже маленькую помощь Запада, которая будет подрывать наш авторитет.
В. не можем оставить на месте агента Запада и предателя своего народа, Пушиняна. Употребив внутренние связи в ВС Армении и нашей армянской диаспоры, Пушинян, должен быть свергнут и его группировка отстранена от власти. Тут игра нулевой суммы. Или мы выигрываем или мы проигрываем и никак и ничем не можем делиться. Тут, жизненно важный для России участок.
Г. должны начать работу над Грузией. Мы должны продвигать своих кандидатов во власть. Но они не могут идти просто из благих намерений...у них в руках должны быть экономические инвестиции, безвизовый режим, гарантия защиты Грузии от Турецкой аннексии в Батуми. Также, русские вузы должны быть открыты для грузинских детей...это и есть та мягкая сила.
А в четвёртых, мы должны признать тот неприятный факт, что Адольф и его нацисты, возродились в нашей эпохе, в форме Эрдогана и его пан-турцецизма и Братьев Мусульман. Уже султан-фюрер кричит об либензрумен, о древних тюркских землях в Алтае и центральной Азии и об османских, на Ближнем Востоке, Балканах и Кавказе. Также, он говорит и о новом радикальном калифате и в этих рамках вся западная Европа. Турция не маленькая страна и у неё есть промышленная база. У неё вторая армия НАТО, после Америки. Таким образом исламо-фашистская Турция это идеальный таран для Американцев против нас и любых евровассалов, у которых могли возникать какие-то идеи о независимости.
Нам нужно начать создавать коалицию против этого, понимая, что мы шаг за шагом идем к еще одной великой мировой войне. На Кавказе мы должны укрепить наши позиции через своих вассалов. Иран и Сирию мы безусловно должны укрепить. Но также мы должны работать над арабами и с теми членами НАТО/ЕС, которые страдали от Тюрков. С Венграми можно говорить напрямую, с другими, через их оппозицию или через православие или через народные организации. Время течёт, нам нужно двигаться быстро.
The West’s War on Russian COVID Vaccines (update 1 16 Nov 2020)
Forget all the things you have been told by your politicians and so called Western experts about the fight to save your lives, it is all about money and you, the small folk, are expendable.
Whatever your beliefs about COVID19 and its deadliness or there lack of, one thing for sure, is that a lot of money has been spent in media and experts, to include blocking those experts who are not on the message or are actually against the message, from the media. Over and over and over again, you the reader have heard that only a vaccine can save the human race and that the new normal of police state lock downs are for your own good until such time as a vaccine can be put through testing and put in place. Equally, a string of bad news articles have been steadily flowing out of the various testing and development grounds for the big Western pharmaceuticals about delays in development and deaths among the test subjects.
Its all about safety after all, even as the plague rages and police state oppression crushes the souls of young and old alike, never mind the businesses and livelihoods to boot. Appetites for the vaccines are wet, people are desperate, politicians are fighting for your lives….or are they?
As I wrote in a previous article, Russia developed a new vaccine Sputnik V. That vaccine was registered in July 2020 and passed phase 3 testing with some 40.000 participants and is now going into mass production. The vaccine is based on a 50 year old model of taking a tried and true viral platform and attaching the new virus’ receptors on to it, to trigger an immune response, without introducing the actual virus into the body. This was used by Russian experts to develop a vaccine for Ebola virus, again, something unknown by most people behind the Western Informational Iron Curtain. With this method, Sputink V was created in record time and testing has resulted in success with mild to mid intensity side effects and no permanent injuries or deaths.
Additionally, another Russian vaccine, Vector, this one totally artificial, was created and registered and is completing phase 3 testing as well.
What has been the response in the world? Well, if you are living in the West and expecting to rejoice, you will be sorely disappointed. This is big money we are talking about, billions upon billions. No, not for the Russian companies and state, who are selling/giving their technology at rock bottom prices, to help humanity. Western leaders are thickly involved in the companies developing their vaccines and are now looking at this hyped up and overhyped crisis being lost, an opportunity of a life time to rake in hundreds of billions of dollars from 7 billion desperate and panic driven human beings….lost, due to those Russians.
The Western media has been on the attack, an insane frenzy of proofless accusations on safety, viability and anything else that can be thrown. The US has gone so far as to sanction the laboratories for creating “chemical” weapons…that Russia destroyed per convention with the US, all its chemical weapons and the US backed out of the treaty and did nothing to what it agreed, will be ignored, as usual.
When Hungary’s president Orban voiced interest in acquiring the vaccines for his population, the EU hurridly passed a ban on the vaccines. Get that? The only two known and working vaccines in the WORLD are now banned by the EU from saving their citizens. Better the peasants sit in endless lock down and await the final financial rape by the US/UK/EU big pharma than be saved by Russian vaccines. And if a few million die in the meantime? Fewer pensions to pay for a bankrupt EU. See, win-win.
But the rest of the world, the sane, non-Western world is lining up. Over 30 countries have placed orders, the two biggest are 50 million doses for Brazil and 100 million doses for India.
So, for my western readers, the questions you must be facing now is how much is your life and livelihood worth to your leaders that they will not procure this vaccine for you and allow you and your children to return to a normal life…the old normal that is.
Update 1
So the US now has two vaccines finishing testing and heading for market. Amazingly, well not really, at several times the price of Russian vaccines already in mass production, with a third Russian vaccine in final stage of testing, the main procurers of the US vaccines are of course, the owned vassals of America. I mean, what is the point of keeping vassals and their corrupt bought and paid for suzerains if you can not force them to shill out billions for your products: guns, bombs, over priced gas and of course, Covid jabs.
But there is even more good news. In speeding through their vaccines, the Americans have obviously cut lots of corners in testing, which was, by the way, conducted only on young, healthy individuals. Pfizer’s interm analysis, that is, basically a phase 1 (of 3) test, had 32 patients and its primary analysis, that is, a phase 2, had 164 patients. Sputink V in phase 1 alone had 70 volunteers and its phase 3 had well over 40.000. Pfizer’s phase 3, since its been sped through such inconveniences, will be the general public.That is testing in the modern Western system, just like the software companies give alpha tested software to their clients and when the systems crash and send reports, they are in effect doing the beta testing on the clients, so to goes the Big Pharma of the West.
You can read an excellent break down of the safety record of these vaccines here.
In parallel, after half a year of bad mouthing the Russian vaccines and having zero effect on nations whose leaders actually care about their people and the government budgets, the Western media has gone deep blackout on even mentioning that there is an alternative to the US Pfizer/Moderna duo. Again, it is all about "freedom of information" and "human values" or some such other gibberish for the sheep.